Shyam Dev Rai Chaudhary Dada, who was BJP MLA for 7 consecutive terms from the City Southern Assembly constituency in Varanasi, died on Tuesday morning. He was 85 years old and was ill. He was undergoing treatment at Oriana Hospital for 22 days. Prime Minister Nare 20 days ago
Shyam Dev Rai Chaudhary, who was a BJP MLA continuously from 1989 to 2017, was admitted to the hospital in Mahmoorganj due to brain hemorrhage, where the doctors responded during the treatment.
The family members informed City South MLA Dr. Neelkanth Tiwari, after which the MLA talked to the CMO and administrative officials and admitted him to Oriana Hospital in Ravindrapuri, where he was undergoing treatment. Let us tell you that grandfather was a cabinet minister in the BJP government. Protem Speaker was made in 2007 and 2012.