Only a few days are left for the Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale to start. The company has written with the banner that it will start from September 27, but has not announced all the deals yet. In the sale, 10% instant discount is being given on payment through SBI card. It has been revealed from the microsite that some such phones will also be made available in the sale whose price will start from Rs 5,999. Apart from this, an option to extend the warranty for Rs 99 will also be given here. Even though the launch date of the sale has not been revealed yet, the company has definitely listed those phones on which offers can be availed during the sale.
Along with the listing, a hint about the offer price of the phone has also been found. Let us know on which phones the offer will be given. Samsung Galaxy M35 5G has been listed in the sale. It will be made available for Rs. _,_99 instead of Rs. 24,999. The most special thing about the phone is its 6000mAh battery.
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 5G can be purchased for Rs 99 instead of Rs 1,34,999. The phone has a dynamic AMOLED display and a 50-megapixel main camera.
OnePlus 11R 5G will also be given a chance to buy it cheaply in the sale. This phone can be purchased in the sale for Rs. _,_99 instead of Rs. 39,999. The most special thing about the phone is its Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor.
OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite 5G will also be listed in the sale. From here it can be purchased for Rs. _,_99 instead of Rs. 20,999. The most special thing about the phone is its 5500mAh battery and 120Hz AMOLED display.
iQOO Z9s 5G has also been listed in the sale. In the Amazon sale, this phone can be brought home for Rs 99 instead of Rs 25,999. This phone comes with 3D curved 120Hz AMOLED display.
In the sale, Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G can be purchased for Rs 99 instead of Rs 24,999. The most special thing about this device is its 50 megapixel flagship Sony IMX890 night vision camera.
Tags: Amazon Prime, Mobile Phone
FIRST PUBLISHED : September 17, 2024, 07:05 IST