Tadiawan police has arrested 3 vicious thieves in Hardoi. These thieves had stolen from the jewelers shop, the video of which had gone viral. The police have cracked the case with the stolen material.
According to the information, Kunwar Pal Singh, a resident of village Khadakheda of Tadiawan police station area, had given a complaint to the Tadiawan police on 11th November that he had a jewelers’ shop in his village, in which the jewelery and cash shop was looted by unknown thieves on the last night of 11th November. The lock was broken and stolen. In the incident, Tadiawan police registered a case against unknown person and started investigation and further action.
After which, during the checking of suspicious people by police station in-charge Tadiawan Amit Singh, sub-inspector Awadhesh Singh, Vashu Chaudhary, constable Majeed Ahmed, Dilip Kumar, Vipin Kumar, Atul Kumar, accused Wazeef son of Dammar and Mithilesh Kumar Singh alias Kallu son of Bhaiya Lal Singh resident Ahirori, resident of Khadakheda and Rampratap Gupta, son of Ramsagar, have been arrested. Police have recovered cash and jewelery from the possession of the three arrested accused.
Tadiawan Police has taken action to send the arrested accused to the court while disclosing the theft that took place in a jewelers shop.