Bageshwar: Barley is cultivated extensively in the hilly areas of Uttarakhand, and its bread is very tasty to eat. Generally people eat wheat rotis, but in winter, apart from wheat, eating barley rotis is also very beneficial. Eating barley bread not only keeps the digestive system strong but its consumption also provides relief from many diseases. While talking exclusively to Local 18, Ayurvedic Dr. Aizal Patel tells that barley bread has high amount of fiber, which improves digestion and also removes the problem of constipation. It has less calories and more fiber, due to which the stomach remains full for a long time.
Fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals are found in abundance in barley bread. It has less calories and more fiber, due to which it proves effective in weight loss. Besides, the antioxidants and other nutrients present in it are helpful in keeping the heart healthy and increasing immunity.
boon for digestive system
Barley bread improves digestion. The fiber present in it is helpful in removing the problem of constipation. People who have stomach problems should consume barley bread regularly.
Panacea for nervous system
Barley bread contains elements like manganese and vitamin C, which are helpful in keeping the nervous system calm. It works to reduce stress and give peace to the mind. Apart from this, it keeps the body energetic and is also beneficial for mental health. Consuming barley bread makes the stomach feel full quickly, which keeps the tendency to overeat under control. This makes the process of weight loss easier.
beneficial for heart
The antioxidants present in barley bread are helpful in keeping the heart healthy. Besides, it controls cholesterol and prevents heart diseases. Eating barley bread regularly cures heart diseases. Vitamin C and other nutrients present in barley are helpful in increasing the immunity of the body. This helps the body to fight infection. According to Ayurveda, barley bread also protects from common problems like cold and cough.
Include barley bread in your diet
You can also eat barley bread instead of wheat bread in your daily diet. Also, rotis can be made by mixing barley flour with wheat flour. It can be eaten with greens, vegetables or milk. Barley bread is a treasure of good health. It helps in weight loss, helps people to live a stress-free life and also helps in increasing immunity. This traditional bread of the hilly areas is still a part of the Pahari thali.
Tags: Bageshwar News, Health News, Life18, Local18
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 1, 2024, 6:41 PM IST
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicines and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any damages caused by any such use.