Haridwar: Today i.e. 4th December 2024 is going to be very good for some zodiac signs from business point of view, while some zodiac signs will have to be careful and alert. Today you will get profit from your business or there will be a possibility of loss, let us know from the experts. Giving detailed information about this to Local 18, Haridwar astrologer Pandit Shashank Shekhar Sharma says that today is going to be a very good day for business for some zodiac signs. Let us know which are those zodiac signs.
December 04 will not be a good day for Aries. Mars is transiting in its lowest zodiac sign. Today will not be a good day for Aries people. According to astrology, you will have to keep your mind calm, your times will also change soon.
The lord of Taurus zodiac is Venus, due to the change of zodiac sign of Venus a day earlier, the people of Taurus zodiac will get new achievements. Today will be a good day for people of Taurus zodiac sign. If you want to invest in any business then this time will be good for you. It will be auspicious for you especially to buy and sell things like cosmetics etc.
December 04 will not be a good day for Gemini people. You will have to stay safe from fraud, fraud etc. There is a possibility of loss for you. The lord of Gemini is planet Mercury. People of Gemini zodiac will have to control their speech. Today’s time will not be good for you from business point of view.
Cancer zodiac sign
Today will not be a very good day for Cancer. The lord of Cancer zodiac sign is Moon. There will be dilemma and problems in your mind regarding work. You will be worried about your business which will affect your health. Today is not a good day for you. There is a possibility of profit with the help of friends and relatives.
leo zodiac sign
Today will be a good day for people of Leo zodiac sign. The lord of Leo is Sun God, Sun is transiting in Scorpio. The lord of Scorpio is Mars and Mars is moving in the lowest position. Today is going to be a good day for the people of Leo zodiac as the Sun is situated in its happy place. From business point of view, people of Leo zodiac sign should recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra. Sun God can also help the people of Leo zodiac to get the pending money etc.
Virgo sun sign
This zodiac sign will face obstacles in your work from friends, relatives, colleagues, relatives, siblings etc. due to which there is a possibility of loss for you. Today will not be a good day for people of Virgo zodiac sign. The lord of Virgo is planet Mercury. You have to pay attention to your speech.
The lord of Libra is Venus, Venus is transiting to its own place of happiness due to which there are chances of growth in your business. Today is going to be a very good day for you. According to planetary calculations, today you will get special benefits through a woman.
The lord of Scorpio is Mars. The transit of Mars is in the Cancer sign of the Moon. Due to this transit in the place of destiny, you may have to undertake a short or big journey today. You will undertake this journey for your business which will bring you good profits in your business.
People of this zodiac sign are likely to get profit in business today due to their relations with elders, parents, grandparents, uncles or other relatives. The lord of Sagittarius is Jupiter, today will be a good day for you.
December 4 will not be a good day for Capricorn people. Shani Dev is placed in the second position of Capricorn. Today there is a possibility that some of your precious metal items may be lost, broken or stolen. Today you need to be careful. There is a possibility of loss for you today.
Shani Dev is seated in Aquarius. 4th December is going to be a very good day for you. Today i.e. on 27th November, you may get some new achievement and there are chances of you getting money today, but there may be some expenses too.
The lord of Pisces is Jupiter. The transit of Jupiter is going on in Taurus. Today you will need to keep your mind calm. If you keep your mind calm then your day will be normal otherwise today is not a good day for you. Today you will get benefits by worshiping Guru Brihaspati and praising your deity.
Tags: Dharma Astha, Haridwar news, Local18, Uttrakhand
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 4, 2024, 10:36 IST