Meerut. The employees who came to remove encroachment at Bhagat Singh Market located at Hapur base had an altercation with the traders. Due to which there was an uproar. In the presence of police, traders protested against the Municipal Corporation team. Due to opposition from traders the Municipal Corporation team
On Thursday afternoon, the Municipal Corporation’s enforcement team reached Bhagat Singh Market with a bulldozer. The traders became angry after seeing the Municipal Corporation’s bulldozer. As soon as this was known, a large number of traders gathered. They protested against the Municipal Corporation team and closed the market. Seeing the commotion between the businessman and the Municipal Corporation team, the police of the concerned police station reached the spot.
The police personnel pacified the employees and the businessman. The enforcement team official said that warnings have been given several times to remove the encroachment. Despite this, the traders did not remove the goods from the shops, due to which the Municipal Corporation team had to come to remove the encroachment. He warned the traders that they should either remove the encroachment themselves, otherwise the cost of bulldozer will also be recovered from the traders.
Also see these photos related to the uproar..