Love marriage or arranged marriage, If we sit to think, we will have questions and more questions. When it comes to their answers, we only have questions. Because many questions are like this. The answers to which we cannot ask anyone even if we want to. These days, this question is in the mind of most of the people, but when it comes to its answer, we do not ask anyone whether to do love marriage or arranged marriage. The relationship of marriage is very sweet and sacred. Be it love or arranged marriage. Today we will tell you about whether love marriage is good or arranged marriage.
What is the difference between the two?
In arranged marriage, the family members arrange the relationship between the boy and the girl and after that when the family members like the boy and girl, they introduce them and confirm their marriage. In arranged marriage, there is consent of both the families. Whereas in love marriage, first of all the boy and girl like each other and then they decide to live with each other. After taking the decision, he knows the consent of the family members. Sometimes it happens that the family members do not like the choice of a boy or a girl and they do not agree. But in love marriage, the boy and girl do not give much importance to the consent of the family members and place more emphasis on each other’s consent.
Benefits of arranged marriage
By having an arranged marriage you get the support of your family. Apart from this, he supports you in everything.
In arranged marriage, the boy and girl remain unaware of each other’s likes and dislikes. In such a situation, they try to understand and recognize each other, this is also a good experience in itself. Also, take family members along with you in the beginning itself. This also increases their confidence.
If a boy or a girl are thinking about a dream wedding in arranged marriage, then this dream can be fulfilled in arranged marriage. This is because both the families together organize functions and big programs so that you can enjoy the wedding to the fullest.
Benefits of love marriage
In love marriage, a person already knows the partner’s nature, family, background, nature etc. In such a situation, after marriage, the boy and the girl hurt each other less and take care of each other’s preferences.
In love marriage, many times people mistake attraction for love, which is understood after marriage. Due to this, the string of relationship becomes a little lighter.
There is not full support from family members in love marriage. In such a situation, boys and girls are deprived of the experience of their elders and end up making some mistakes in their married life.
Expert opinion
According to experts, whether it is love marriage or arranged marriage, if the partner is good in both the marriages, then both the marriages are good. To create interest in both the marriages, it is very important for you to surprise or give gifts to each other from time to time. Also, partners should inspire each other to move forward. This makes the relationship stronger. Whenever there is a fight between the two, instead of stopping the conversation, it is very important to remove the reason for that fight.
Tags: Lifestyle, Relationship
FIRST PUBLISHED : September 23, 2024, 6:50 PM IST