Ashok-Manju Love Story: When there is true love then appearance and caste seem very small in front of it. Today we are going to tell you another true story related to this. This is a lovely and emotional story of Manju and Ashok. Manju became a victim of polio at the age of 5. He had to take help from his parents for the things he needed, but his parents never made him feel different from others. As Manju grew up, she endured a lot of taunts as to who would marry her. Nothing will happen to you, you are different. I don’t know what people used to say while leaving, but one day he found that companion of his life who was ready to stand by him in every problem and become his strength.
Even after Manju got married, people’s taunts did not reduce but rather increased. People started asking him whether he paid money for the marriage or not? What lure did you give? People left no stone unturned to insult Manju. Even when Manju became a teacher, people said that you will not be able to do all this. Manju was so upset that when she started thinking about marriage, the thought came to her mind that how would someone marry her. Then he meets Ashok and after his parents, Ashok is the one who loves him the most in his life.
Ashok gave marriage proposal in Manju’s house.
Manju told that she knew Ashok from school. Ashok saw her for the first time when Manju had gone to her grandmother’s house to spend her summer vacation. But there was nothing like that then. Ashok had become his neighbour. In the year 1994, Ashok again came into Manju’s life. Manju tells that in those times people used to come straight to the house and talk about marriage and Ashok also did the same. Ashok came to Manju’s house and talked to her father and said that he likes Manju. I will keep that in mind. On the first day, Manju was shocked and could not believe why anyone would want to marry her. But the family said when Ashok has no problem then what do you care? After this Manju also said yes to this relationship.