36 year old youth Ajay has died under suspicious circumstances in Karanpur village of Kotwali Patiali area of Kasganj. The family members of the deceased have accused a person from the village of assault and murder. Police took the body into custody and sent it for postmortem.
Avneesh called and called, then there was a fight
According to family members, the incident occurred on Friday night. A person named Avneesh from the village called Ajay and called him to a contract outside the village. After this Avnish beat up Ajay and snatched his phone. When Ajay informed the family about the incident, they went to Avnish’s house to get the phone, where again Avnish assaulted Ajay. During this, Ajay suffered serious injuries.
Ajay vomited blood, died in hospital
After the fight, Ajay reached his home, where he vomited blood. After this he was admitted to Patiali Government Hospital for treatment, where doctors declared him dead. After this incident, the family of the deceased informed the police. Police reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem.
Deceased’s three children, wife crying in bad condition
Due to the demise of Ajay, his wife Santoshi is in bad condition and crying. The deceased has three small children, which include Dev (10 years), Chhaya (8 years) and Lavish (6 years). The incident has left the entire family in deep shock. The police is seriously investigating this matter and has started the process of taking action against the accused.
Police action continues, team engaged in search of accused
The police have taken possession of the body and started investigation after post-mortem. Police said that all aspects of the incident are being looked into. Police have intensified action to arrest the accused.