New DelhiThis time 18 contestants have entered the house of Bigg Boss 18. This week’s Weekend Vaar was quite interesting. The star cast of ‘Vicky Aur Vidya Ka Woh Video’ had reached the show. A tremendous jugalbandhi was seen between Mallika Sherawat and Salman Khan in Weekend Ka Vaar. Both of them also danced on romantic songs. Apart from this, Rajkumar Rao and Trupti Dimri also reached the stage of ‘Bigg Boss 18’ for the promotion of the film.
In the last episode, the argument between two contestants in Bigg Boss house escalated so much that the rest of the housemates had to jump into it even if they did not want to. Popular actress of the 90s Shilpa Shirodkar was seen arguing with actor Avinash. There was an argument between these two regarding food at home. This debate, which started over a small matter, gradually escalated. Actually, Avinash had hidden the coffee after which he had an argument with Shilpa.
Karanvir jumped into the fight
Jumping into the matter, Karanvir asked him why he hid the coffee? On this, he says in his clarification that he did not hide the coffee but kept it away from there so that everyone could get coffee. When Shahzada tries to explain this to Avinash, he even calls him brinjal on the plate, after which the matter becomes worse.
Avinash copies Asim Riaz
Shahzada fought with Avinash and said that he was trying to copy Asim Riaz. Actually, during Bigg Boss 13, Asima Riaz also started laughing while looking at herself in the mirror during a fight and Avinash also did something similar.
Avinash’s argument with Alice Kaushik-Isha Singh
Avinash Mishra also gets into an argument with Alice Kaushik and Isha Singh. Amidst this argument, Isha leaves from there. Alice calls him again and again for dinner, but he does not look back. However, later all three reconcile.
Salman took a jibe at Chahat
Recently, there was an argument between Vivian Dsena and Chahat Pandey, after which the actor told her that he does not take orders from anyone. Pointing towards this, Salman Khan took the name of Chhete Pandey and said that even God takes permission from him.
Who got evicted from home?
The first elimination of this season took place in Weekend Ka Vaar. 5 contestants- Muskaan Bamne, Karanvir Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Chahat Pandey, Gunaratna were nominated for elimination earlier this season, but none of them had to be evicted from the house this time. The donkey evicted from the house in the first elimination is Gadhraj, due to which no human being is evicted from the house.
Tags: Bigg boss, Salman khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : October 14, 2024, 08:25 IST