Four other accused, who stole a prize worth Rs 10,000 by cutting the shutter of a jewelers shop in Indiranagar, Lucknow, were arrested. The police have already arrested four accused in the case and sent them to jail. The rest were arrested at the behest of the arrested accused.
Chowk resident Ram Kumar Verma has a shop named Shubh Jewelers in Pranjal Heights, located in Suggamau market of Indiranagar. Where on November 2, gold, silver jewelery and silver utensils were stolen by cutting the shutters. In the case, the police had arrested four accused Jamal alias Jamali, Mohammad Phoolchod, Rafiqul Islam and Mufees and sent them to jail.
Stolen goods recovered from the accused.
The names of three other associates had come to light during police interrogation. A reward of Rs 10,000 was announced for whose arrest. On Tuesday around 8 pm, Ikram Mulla (22), resident of Barpeta Assam, Munna alias Mannan Ali (19) were arrested from Assam. During police interrogation, the accused gave information about the person who bought the stolen goods.
On the information of the accused, Rakibul Islam Khan (27), resident of Barpeta, Assam, was arrested. All three accused were taken to Lucknow on police remand. During this time, around 10 am on Friday morning, the police received information about another accused. Whose Assam resident Babul Ali (25) was arrested from Bajrang intersection Indiranagar. The police sent all four accused to jail.