A woman got badly burnt when her frying pan caught fire while cooking in village Lalpur of Magorra police station in Mathura. Who has been admitted to the district hospital for treatment. On Saturday morning, in village Lalpur of Magorra police station, Phool Kumari (25), wife of Ravi Kumar, eating food on gas stove.
The condition of the woman remains critical.
The sudden fire engulfed the woman and her clothes caught fire. Hearing the voice of the woman who started screaming loudly, the family members ran towards the incident and saw that Phool Kumari was surrounded in flames. The family members extinguished the fire with great difficulty but the woman was burnt to a great extent and was immediately admitted to the hospital for treatment.
Giving information, Hari Singh, father-in-law of the injured woman, said that her son’s daughter-in-law Phool Kumari was cooking in the kitchen and the pan with hot oil rolled down due to which it caught fire and due to the oil falling on the body, the saree caught fire. Hearing the screams, the son’s wife, who ran into the square, was somehow saved and admitted to the Govardhan Community Health Center for first aid. When her condition became critical, she was brought to the district hospital by ambulance where the woman’s condition remains critical.