Harshit Kumar, the only son of about five year old Ransih, resident of village Nagla Thuli in Sakit police station area of Etah, died after falling into the gutter. According to the local people, on Saturday innocent Harshit Kumar had gone to his maternal home in village Roopdhani of Jaithra police station area.
While playing with the ball on Sunday, the ball suddenly fell into the gutter. Harshit went to collect the ball. At the same time he fell inside the gutter. Drowned due to the gutter being filled with water. Until Harshit could be taken out of the gutter. By then Harshit was in serious condition.
The maternal parents immediately took the innocent child to the medical college. Where Harshit was declared dead by the doctors. There was chaos among the family after hearing the news of death. The body was brought to the native village, village Nagla Thuli of police station Sakit area. Village head Sandeep Kumar told that Harshit’s fifth birth anniversary was celebrated with great enthusiasm on December 5, 2024.