In a late night road accident near LBS intersection under Nagar Kotwali area in Gonda district, a 30-year-old scooter-riding ANM died on the spot after being hit by a roadways bus. Deceased ANM Priyanka attended a wedding ceremony from her Janaki Nagar home.
Presently, after receiving the information, the city police reached the spot late in the night, took the body of the deceased ANM Priyanka in its custody and sent it for postmortem and the police is engaged in further investigation. One sister of deceased Priyanka had already committed suicide. The second sister is in the police department and the fifth sister is also in the State Bank.
Priyanka was currently posted as ANM in Community Health Center Itiyathok. After Priyanka’s death in a road accident, the family members are in a sad state and have filed a complaint against the roadways driver at Gonda Nagar police station, demanding action.
Regarding the entire matter, Gonda Nagar Kotwal Santosh Kumar Mishra said – A woman has died in a road accident, the dead body has been taken into custody, after getting the Panchayatnama done, it has been sent for postmortem. The family members have also been informed about the entire matter and whatever complaint has been given by the family members. We are investigating and taking action based on that.