Haldwani. The activities for Municipal Corporation elections have intensified in Haldwani. While BJP has given mayor ticket to Gajraj Bisht, Congress has made the contest interesting by giving mayor ticket to Lalit Joshi. Shiv Ganesh from BSP and Mohan Kandpal from UKD have got the mayor’s ticket. Apart from this, many independent candidates are also in the fray. Meanwhile, the biggest question that arises is how the people of Haldwani Municipal Corporation see the picture of their Municipal Corporation areas in the coming five years.
What do the public have to say?
Local 18 talked to people and tried to get their demands and opinions about the candidates. In which the development of the area and the picture of the next five years were discussed. Regarding this, local resident Reshma expressed her displeasure over the poor condition of the roads and said that in the city, roads are built later, they start digging first. First, roads are built with great difficulty and after a few months they are dug up again in the name of sewerage or water pipelines. Due to which most of the roads in the city have become damaged.
Waterlogging is also a big problem during the rainy season. Along with this, there is also a lot of electricity problem. Street lights are not even installed at many places. Due to which we feel unsafe going out in the dark.
fix health problems
Local resident Rinki Joshi said that we need a mayor who will improve health services in the city. Right now health services in the city are very bad. Along with that, he also stressed on improving the garbage collection system. Candidates should work seriously on these after winning the elections. We want the coming five years to be better.
let your city be garbage free
Local resident Meena Sharma said that we will choose the next mayor who can fix all the bad things in the city. He said that only when the roads become garbage free, the dream of a beautiful and clean city will come true. Issues like transport system, health services, water, electricity and sewerage are also very important.
solve local problems
People said that they will elect a mayor who can solve local problems. Haldwani, the gateway to Kumaon, has many problems like roads, garbage, electricity-water, traffic jams, waterlogging etc. So we want our new mayor to solve all these problems.
Tags: Haldwani news, Local18, Uttrakhand
FIRST PUBLISHED : January 4, 2025, 1:44 PM IST