Monday morning dawned in Muzaffarnagar with dense fog and strong winds. A thick blanket of fog has spread from the city to the rural areas, due to which visibility has become extremely low. Vehicles are moving slowly on the road and the speed has stopped. People have to sleep during the day due to fog.
Today the temperature in Muzaffarnagar was recorded at 8 degrees Celsius, but strong and cold winds have increased the cold manifold. This is the first time that such strong winds are being faced, which are felt tearing the body. In such a situation, even warm clothes are proving ineffective and people are forced to resort to bonfires and extra warm clothes.
Protection from cold with the help of bonfire and administration
To escape the wrath of winter, people were seen sitting around bonfires. The administration has made arrangements for bonfires in public places so that people can escape the cold. Even in rural areas, people are resorting to bonfires to escape the cold and are trying to reduce the effect of cold.
Possibility of accidents increased due to fog
The risk of road accidents has also increased due to dense fog. The administration has advised drivers to be alert and ask them to use fog lights and drive slowly on the road. However, some relief was felt on Sunday, when the sun came out early in the morning and it remained sunny throughout the day. There was less fog at night, which improved visibility. But on Monday morning again dense fog and strong winds took life in its grip.